Thursday, November 24, 2011

LIfetime Turkey Day 5k-FAIL

Last weekend on the Groupon website, there was an offer for 50% off the race fee for the Lifetime Turkey Day 5k.  I couldn't pass up the deal! 

I'll be honest... I didn't get home until 11:30pm last night.  This girl was out shopping at Costco, Target, and Kohl's (with a small break to visit with some friends).  I finally headed to bed around 12:30am which is WAY past my bedtime (I know... I'm super lame).  The alarm clock was set for 6am.  Let it be known that my husband was certain I would not wake up for the race.  I proved him wrong.  I crawled out of bed at 6:10am (I hit snooze once).  My husband and I discussed that the whole family would come out to watch me race.  This rarely happens so I was really excited.  You see, it's very difficult to manage and keep all three kids (9, 3, and 18 months) happy and content (as well as keeping the arguing to a minimum). 

We left the house around 7am with an arrival time of 7:15am.  This was earlier than I planned to arrive, but it's a good thing.  The packet pickup was a disaster!  It was clear that it was poorly planned and organized.  I was not impressed.

Once I finally got my packet, I met back up with the fam so I could drop off the bag with them.  We chatted for a few minutes and I was off to the start line.  I haven't ran a [fun-low key] 5k race in a LONG time.  I was looking at everyone around me.  It looked like they were stretching and preparing to run a marathon!  I thought to myself, 'Do these people realize this is only 3.1 miles and will be over before they know it?'  I kept my giggles to myself : )

The race was supposed to start at 8am, but that didn't happen (annoying).  At 8:05am, the announcer brought forth a woman to sing the National Anthem.  As she began, I could hear the crowd behind me still talking amongst themselves.  As I was listening to hear sing, I swear I heard her screw up a word.  No... she couldn't have.  It is the freakin' National Anthem.  But then it happened.... the woman stopped singing... because she forgot the lyrics!  No joke!!  She proceeded to say she was going to start all over... to which she did.  So there we are.  At the beginning of the National Anthem again.  She screws up on a word again but it's clear she didn't even realize she did).  And then it happened.... she forgot the lyrics to the song at the same place as the first time!  At that time, the crowd started singing in an effort to help her.  She continued to sing, but screwed more words.  I couldn't help but smile and chuckle.  This wasn't a kid singing... this was a grown woman.  How embarrassing [for her]. 

Then we were off... I set into a pace around 9:10 minute/mile which is WAY faster than I normally run.  Everyone around me was running about the same pace... it was nice to have pacers (even if they didn't know it).  There were a few times I looked down at my watch and saw 8:xx min/miles!! 

Around the 1.5 mile marker, I saw my family on the sidewalk.  The course went through downtown Las Vegas.  The course just so happens to go right past the school my husband works at.  It was so nice to see them cheering me on : )  Shortly after that I had to slow my pace down a little bit to make sure I kept energy for the rest of the race.  I saw my family again around 2.5 miles.  They put a smile on my face : )  I knew I was almost done.  As I turned the corner on Fremont Street, I saw the finish line.  I tried to push it as hard as I could.  I crossed the finish line and stopped my garmin.  It read 28:44... but the distance said 3.03 miles!  Ugh... the course was short.  Whatever.  They did offer big bottles of Gatorade and water, as well as, bananas and bagels after the finish line.  Nice touch. 

I met up with the family and we tried to take pictures.  Here's one of Mom and Dad:

Husband is probably thinking, 'Man, she is really sweaty and smells pretty bad.' : )

I wanted to get a picture of me with my rugrats:

First attempt: FAIL!!
NOTE: My little ones knocked me over and I fell on the sidewalk... hence we are sitting down.

Second attempt: DOUBLE FAIL!!

Third attempt: OMG... these kids are SO heavy.  Ugh... I'm over it. 
Family picture time was obviously did not work as planned.  That's alright... there will be another time.  After this, we began walking to the car.  My 3-year-old daughter says to me [as we are walking], 

"Mama, you are the winner!  You win the GOLD!"

That warmed my heart <3

Overall, I was not impressed with the organization of the race.  I did like the course though.  The best of the event was having my family there to support me : )


  1. Twice? Ummmm - okay.

    Organization is EVERYTHING in a race. You can have the crappiest awards but if the event is planned correctly, you want to come back.

    Sorry this didn't go so well for you.

    Plan ahead for next year and join us at 6 Tunnels it's a BLAST!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sheina. I am SO grateful we met! :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I'm grateful that we have gotten to know each other through dailymile, facebook, and blogging (and even a couple of times in person).

  3. i would fall over BEFORE the race began, you are so awesome in all your running!
