Friday, December 30, 2011

Best of 2011

I've been thinking about writing a 2011 review of running, but hadn't figured out how I wanted to actually write it.  Miss Zippy did a great post so I thought I'd do the same too... so here it goes:

  • Best race experience? I've got two... (1) It would have to be the San Diego Rock 'n Roll 1/2 Marathon back in June.  I managed to PR by 20 minutes!  (2) Even though the Las Vegas RnR 1/2 marathon was not my best performance, watching my dad achieve a major PR was awesome!  We really push each other to be the best we can be.
  • Best run? I can't choose just one.... (1) I had the opportunity to run with my dad many times this summer when we traveled back to Minnesota/Wisconsin.  He is the best running partner I could ever ask for!  (2) Last week, I managed to maintain a sub-10 pace for each mile in my 6 mile run.  This is the longest run I've been able to sub-10.  I never thought I'd be able to do sub-10 for even a mile... but I did!
  • Best new piece of gear? My Garmin 305 that I received as my Mother's Day/Birthday gift from my husband and kiddos, as well as, my CEP Compression Socks I got as a birthday gift from my mom.  I cannot choose just one because both serve two very important purposes.
  • Most inspirational runner? I really enjoyed reading Marshall Ulrich's book this year.  His story is amazing, so I nominate him as most inspirational runner.
  • If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? Life changing : )


  1. Nice blog Sheina. I have that book too, got it for Christmas. I can't wait to read it.

  2. Great recap Sheina! Way to inspire yourself!! I can't believe I still haven't read Marshall's book...I think I'll be heading to my library soon :)
