Sunday, January 1, 2012


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know.  Christmas was a week ago and I'm SUPER late on this post.  Oh well.  Life goes on : )

I must have been especially good this year!  I got some AMAZING running gifts this year.  First up...

Jill from Run with Jill hosted a blogger gift exchange.  It was a Secret Santa kind of thing... I thought it was a great idea and decided to participate.  I got paired up with Michelle from Runn Princess Runn.  I perused through her blog and quickly noted that she LOVED Lululemon.  Easy... I ordered her a giftcard and she received it with a couple of days.  She sent me a message and said she was SO EXCITED when she saw it! 

I checked my mail everyday waiting for my Secret Santa gift to arrive.  Anyone who knows me knows I do not this.  I'm lucky if I check my mail twice a week.  Nothing exciting ever arrives... except bills.  A week went by... no gift.  I was starting to think I wasn't going to get a gift... until the door bell rang one afternoon.  I was napping (hey... it is Winter Break from school... and I need my nap!).  I thought about just ignoring it, but I decided to go downstairs and check the door.  Luckily I did.  The mailman left me one of those notes stating I missed my delivery and would need to go to the post office to pick it up!  Even luckier is the mailman was still in his vehicle in front of my house!  I picked the package and realized it was my Secret Santa gift.  So excited!  I quickly realized why it seemed like it took forever to arrive... because it came all the way from SOUTH AFRICA!!  No joke.  How awesome is that?!?!

She made me a notepad with a cupcake and my name on it!  It is SO AWESOME!!  I don't know how she did it or how she made it look so cool.... but I love it.

Next up... my awesome buddies, Kaplan and E-Rod, and I decided to exchange Christmas gifts this year.  E-Rod got me a new 7-quart slow cooker because she knew my last one took a dump. 
Ignore the dirty countertop
Kaplan heard through the grapevine that I wanted a Team Sparkle Running Skirt:

I've been eyeballing a Team Sparkle Running Skirt for a few months now and I finally got one!  Can't wait to break it in in 2012!

My dad surprised me with my first wireless (bluetooth-capable) headphones. 
Motorola SD-10
I wore them twice... and wouldn't turn on again.  I returned them to Best Buy with hopes of finding a different brand... but no such luck.  I decided to get the headphones below (found on Amazon).  They have AMAZING reviews (which is something I always look at):

Last, but certainly not least, my husband and kiddos bought me something I've been wanting for several years.... A Kitchenaid stand up mixer!!!
No more 1970's rusty hand mixer... hello 2012 Kitchenaid stand up mixer!  Score!

I hope the holidays were fantastic for everyone!


  1. how fun! you will LOVE that mixer, enjoy! and so will your family ;)

  2. So glad you got the presents, I was getting a little anxious that it hadn't arrived yet.
    Pleased you like, hope it will be useful.
    Happy to have found your blog. Happy 2012, wishing you more happy runnings and baking of cupcakes.

  3. Staci! I definitely loved it! Do you have a blog I can follow?
