When my husband and the little kids headed to church, my older son and I decided to head out for our 3.1 mile run. My son wanted to ride his new electric scooter while I ran. Before we set out for our adventure, my stomach was hurting. I finally figured out why... I only ate a cup of puppy chow (aka muddy buddy) and 1/2 of a banana since I woke up at 8am (it was 12:30pm went we heading out the door). I ate another banana to try to calm down the stomach.
I decided to wear my old Adrenaline 11's to see if it would help alleviate the pain in my right shin.
Man, I look sleepy still! |
At the half way point (1.55 miles), I decided to stop and take this picture.
Why you ask? Because these feet and legs have been put through a lot this year... They have moved over 1,000 miles in 2011. They deserve recognition for being able to make it through so many miles!
We went back on our running adventure and I was pushing for that sub-30. Did I make it?
Ugh! So freakin' close! Maybe next time....
i like the feet pic- CONGRATS FEET, way to go! ;)