Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Revision of 2012 Goals and a Hodge Podge

First thing... my husband has mentioned that I've been on the computer a lot lately.  My response was, "Umm... hello.  I'm blogging.  I'm getting famous and kind of a big deal.  You know, I have 17 followers.  My blog is quite popular in Russia and Malaysia (thanks to the stats option on blogger that tells me this).  Before you know it, people are going to start asking for my autograph."  He gave me one of THOSE looks... you know the 'you are crazy' looks.  Whatevs.

Speaking of my followers--if you are reading this and haven't hit that 'join this site' button over on the right, what are you waiting for?!?!  It'll make me feel better about myself if you subscribe so you should do it : )

Second thing... Resolutions get a bad rap.  As you read here, I made the goal to run more when I joined dailymile on January 2nd... and then made more goals once I knew what I could accomplish.    If resolutions motivate others to do better, be better, and work on different areas of their life, then it is a success.  If only a small percentage of people stick to their resolutions, so be it!

Third... I've always wanted to do a running streak, but in the back of my mind I know my shins can't handle it.  Over on Mom vs. Marathon she talks about the same thing (glad I'm not the only one!).  She decided she is going to streak... but on her own terms.  What a good idea... so good, I'm going to do it too!  I'm 4 days into my streak:
  • Day 1--Ran 3.1 miles
  • Day 2--Ran 3.5 miles
  • Day 3--Walked 2.6 (incline 4.0-7.0) and 30 of stretching and strength training
  • Day 4--Ran 4.05 miles
I'm feeling great and hope to continue my streak!

Lastly, I've been thinking about my 2012 goals I published a few days ago and realized I left some things off my list that deserved to be acknowledged (in red).

  • Sub-30 minutes for 5k races (for the realistic and attainable races)
  • Average a sub-10 min/mile for all races 4 miles and below
  • Run under a 2:15 for the half marathon distance
  • Sub-28:00 for a 5k
  • Sub-60:00 for a 10k
  • Run at least 4 half marathons this year
  • Run at least 1,010 (beat my 2011 record) but hope to run 1,200 miles.
  • Become a half fanatic
  • Incorporate strength training once a week
  • Only eat 1 donut a month... at the end of the month (only if I deserve it)
  • When baking cupcakes, limit my cupcake consumption to 2... maybe 3 : )
  • When making coffee, I'd like to lower my creamer consumption from 4 to 3
  • By the end of the year, I'd like to have built a comfortable savings
  • Blog more consistently, but not jeopardizing family time
I know I'm not going to be perfect with my goals for 2012, but I'm going to continued to work at achieving them all year.

Do we have any similar goals?  What would you like to accomplish in 2012?


  1. Reading your goals reminds me a lot of my own goals for this year. I plan on running 2 half-marathons, and one full. I would like to get my pace consistently under 10 min/mile (not that I have hit that even inconsistently). Log 1,000 miles by 2013. I want to get my body fat as close to single digits as possible without looking gross (14% is my first goal and I'll re-evaluate when I know what that looks like on me). I would like to do as many crossfit workouts as prescribed as possible this year. Right now I need to modify so many things (bands for pullups, lower box heights for box jumps, lower weights for most everything). I would also like to get through all the "named" crossfit workouts in 2012. Good thing there are 360 days left in 2012!

  2. I've heard that crossfit is pretty awesome and a great workout. There is a Crossfit workout center near my house. I don't know much about it... does it have to be at a workout facility or can you do it at home?

  3. we have a lot of the same goals, especially time wise, we'd make great running buddies! i look forward to reading about you achieving them all this year!

  4. @Courtney--We would make great running buddies! Too bad we live on opposite sides of the country.
